
Wow legion flying pets achievement unlock
Wow legion flying pets achievement unlock

wow legion flying pets achievement unlock

  • Faction-specific titles convert to their cross-faction equivalent.
  • Other achievements are account-wide and remain unaffected.Ĭollections (Titles, Pets, Mounts, and Transmogs).
  • All Argent Tournament achievements (whether in-progress or completed) will reset.
  • If the achievement is not yet completed, any partial progress will reset.
  • Completed achievements which are both faction and character specific will convert to their cross-faction equivalent.
  • Covenant Progression is entirely independent from factions and will not be impacted in any way if you faction change.
  • Follower, Shipyard, Champion, or Companion missions in progress are abandoned.
  • If a questline unlocks certain game content, that content won’t be available in the new faction either (see Game Content Unlocks).
  • Faction-specific questlines do not convert, specifically, the Battle for Azeroth War Campaign.
  • If you want to complete a quest you had in progress prior to the faction change, you must visit the quest giver to pick up the quest again and start it over.
  • Your quest log is cleared: all your quests are abandoned and all quest items in your inventory are destroyed.
  • Your World of Warcraft friend list and ignore list will be cleared (not your friends list).
  • If you belong to one, you will leave your guild.
  • If you change the name of your character, its original name will be reserved for you on the realm for 30 days.
  • You cannot restore items that you destroyed, vendored, or disenchanted before the faction change.
  • wow legion flying pets achievement unlock

    You cannot change the race of the character for 72 hours.You cannot change the faction of the character again for 72 hours.You can either give the leadership to another member of the guild or buy a Guild Master Faction Change service. You cannot faction change a character that is a Guild Master.You cannot faction change a character with caged battle pets.You cannot faction change a character that has a WoW Token.You cannot faction change a character with mail in the mailbox.You cannot faction change a character with heirlooms in your inventory or equipped.You cannot faction change a character with active auctions on the Auction House.Any character that starts at Exile's Reach must have left Exile's Reach.Worgen characters must have left Gilneas and Goblin characters must have left Kezan.Demon Hunter and Dracthyr characters must have completed their starting zone quest lines.

    wow legion flying pets achievement unlock

    You cannot faction change a character that isn't at least level 10.You cannot faction change a character that completed a faction change in the past 72 hours.You cannot faction change a character that completed a character boost in the past 72 hours.character service, for example, a character that started a race change and did not yet complete it. You cannot faction change a character that has another pending.You cannot faction change a Class Trial character.You cannot faction change a character on a Starter Edition account.

    Wow legion flying pets achievement unlock